Investment Currency
The currency you use to subscribe to Dual Currency.
Settlement Currency
The currency you will receive at maturity of your subscribed Dual Currency product, depending on how the market price compares to the strike price at maturity.
Maturity is the date when your Dual Currency product matures, and also the date when the payment is automatically credited to your Wallet.
Yield represents the level of return of the Dual Currency product, and will be used to calculate the amount of payment returned to you at maturity.
Strike Price
The price you are willing to buy or sell the Settlement Pair at maturity to earn yield.
Market Price
Market Price of the Settlement Pair is the average price of the relevant Market Index 30 minutes before 16:00 (UTC+8) at maturity of the respective Dual Currency order.
Market Index
The Market Index is selected from the Deribit BTC/ETH index (where applicable). If the index is not listed in Deribit when calculating the market price, we will use relevant price sources such as Coinbase Pro or other price sources at our sole discretion.
(1) Dual Currency – BTC → USDⓢ (Sell high)
Strike Price: $50,000
Tenor: 30 days
Yield: 4.90%
Investment Currency: 1 BTC
Settlement Currency: BTC or USDⓢ
If the BTC market price at maturity is below $50,000, the user will get 4.90% return in BTC, which is 1*(1+4.90%) BTC, that is, a payback of 1.049 BTC.
If the BTC market price at maturity is above or equal to $50,000, the user will get 4.90% return in USDⓈ, which is 1*50,000*(1+4.90%) USDⓈ, a payback of 52,450 USDⓈ.
- Simply put, the user will always receive a 4.90% return after the product matures. The only uncertainty is the currency of the payback, and this depends on the BTC market price at the time of the Maturity.
(2) Dual Currency – USDT → ETH (Buy low)
Strike Price: $1,500
Tenor: 30 days
Yield: 4.90%
Investment Currency: 1,500 USDT
Settlement Currency: ETH or USDT
- If the ETH market price at maturity is above $1,500, the user will get 4.90% return in USDT, which is 1*1,500*(1+4.90%) USDT, a payback of 1,573.5 USDT.
- If the ETH market price at maturity is below or equal to $1,500, the user will get 4.90% return in ETH, which is 1*(1+4.90%) ETH, that is, a payback of 1.049 ETH.
- Simply put, the user will always receive a 4.90% return after the product matures. The only uncertainty is the currency of the payback, and this depends on the ETH market price at the time of the Maturity.